Coeducational College Preparatory Day School serving Grades 5-12

2023 - 2030 Strategic Plan

We are Seabury Strong!

Our Strategic Plan is entitled Vision 2030. As you read through, you will be proud to know that Vision 2030 is the product of more than a year long effort that reflects the voices of our students, faculty, families, alumni, volunteers and school Trustees.

As a school community, we also spent time in review of our mission to ensure that we continue to be guided by its tenets. Last year as a part of the school accreditation process, a committee composed of a representation of our community reviewed and ultimately revised our Seabury Hall Mission Statement. We believe that it reflects who we are today and how far we have come, as we look forward to celebrating our 60th year in 2024.

Our school values of Empowerment, Passion, Integrity and Curiosity support the new Mission Statement. We do believe that at “At Seabury Hall, we are here to Empower students to explore their Passions with Integrity and Curiosity.” The acronym EPIC has become a guiding inspiration and clarity to what we aspire to do each day.
We are truly looking forward to partnering with our community for the exciting future of all Spartans at Seabury Hall.

Explore Seabury Hall